Monaco Coronavirus Update - Coronavirus cases climb to 73, Total Deaths reaches to 1 on 06-Apr-2020
Monaco: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 11:10, by: Staff Reporters

Monaco Coronavirus Update - Coronavirus cases climb to 73, Total Deaths reaches to 1 on 06-Apr-2020

In Monaco total confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) have increased to 73, while 1 people died due to the growing infection in the country.

Here are the latest cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in Monaco:

Sr. No. Date Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths Deaths
1. 18-Mar-2020 9 0 0 0
2. 19-Mar-2020 10 1 0 0
3. 20-Mar-2020 11 1 0 0
4. 21-Mar-2020 11 1 0 0
5. 22-Mar-2020 23 5 0 0
6. 23-Mar-2020 23 0 0 0
7. 24-Mar-2020 23 0 0 0
8. 25-Mar-2020 31 8 0 0
9. 26-Mar-2020 33 2 0 0
10. 27-Mar-2020 42 9 0 0
11. 28-Mar-2020 43 1 1 1
12. 29-Mar-2020 46 3 1 0
13. 30-Mar-2020 49 3 1 0
14. 31-Mar-2020 52 3 1 0
15. 01-Apr-2020 55 3 1 0
16. 02-Apr-2020 60 5 1 0
17. 03-Apr-2020 64 4 1 0
18. 04-Apr-2020 66 2 1 0
19. 05-Apr-2020 73 7 1 0
20. 06-Apr-2020 73 0 1 0

TOP 10 Deaths by country due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:

1. Italy (15,887)
2. Spain (12,641)
3. USA (9,618)
4. France (8,078)
5. UK (4,934)
6. Iran (3,603)
7. China (3,331)
8. Netherlands (1,766)
9. Germany (1,584)
10. Belgium (1,447)
Total Deaths Worldwide (69,458)

Globally till now over 69,458 people died due to the outbreak of deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19). The new infection and death cases are increasing fast. Authorities in the Monaco and other countries are taking proper measures to contain the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As of now Italy is the worst affected country in the world with over 15,887 deaths and 128,948 confirmed cases.


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